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Swiftie Wisdom

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As one of her surprise songs in the London shows of her tour, Taylor Swift chose to play "Thank You alMee" from her newly released Tortured Poets Department. Not familiar with these lyrics, a review of them led to the realization that they are an anthem for adolescents, teens, and adults alike. Who among us doesn't have an experience with unkind behavior? With bullying? With someone whose only goal seems to be to tear us down rather than build us up?

As Swift often does in her diary-like songs, she reminds us to heal and move forward from these moments and relationships instead of being stuck in them. This is not to say that we simply forget these moments or do not feel about them; rather, we incorporate them into our narrative. They do not become the story, nor do the people who directed their unkindness get to own or dictate the story. (This may feel particularly daunting when they don't accept responsibility. Even though it might feel impossible, giving power to the unkind only takes ours away. Turning down the volume of their voices is hard work, but coming through these moments or relationships allows us to grow and remember just how strong we are.

So, take a moment to reflect ..... Who is your proverbial alMee? And how has your experience helped you "build something" that might not have otherwise been?

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