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Do you have a hard time saying "NO"?


Like many of us, you might be uncomfortable letting others down.

The problem is, with endless requests, you can often end up feeling overwhelmed, resentful, and taken for granted. And things that matter to you can suffer.

Assertiveness and boundary-setting can help. But for people determined not to disappoint others, these self-advocacy skills can bring on negative feelings like guilt and shame.

So next time you want to say NO but are having trouble, flip the script with a positive reframe and think about what you are saying YES to instead:

  • Say YES to peace and quiet and much-needed rest.
  • Say YES to time protected for your partner, family, friends or faith.
  • Say YES to commitments toward fitness, schoolwork, home projects, healthy cooking.
  • Say YES to an activity that is more fulfilling for you.
  • Say YES to money saved for travel or other things you prioritize.
  • Say YES to less stress and being more present and intentional in your life.

When you value your own needs, goals, priorities and well-being, you learn to say YES to saying NO.


We're here to help!
We’re a no-judgment zone, so feel free to come to us with any questions or concerns.